Over the past couple of decades, a type of orthodontic treatment has become one of the top choices for providers and patients alike. That treatment is Invisalign, and it’s many patient-friendly features are the reason for its popularity. 

 Invisalign is indeed an “invisible” treatment, so the clear aligners are  much more cosmetic than the traditional braces. 

This is especially good for adult patients who  wish to have a more un-noticeable treatment option, unlike braces which are the first thing people notice when you smile.

It is not just adults who opt for Invisalign.  Plenty of teens  are increasingly choosing for Invisalign over other alignment options. 

Another big perk is that you do not need to alter your diet with clear aligners, since you can just take them off during meals, then pop them back in once finished. 

Finally, Invisalign is the most hygenic option as well, since the aligners can be removed for easy brushing and flossing, without the risk of staining to the teeth.

All things considered, it is safe to say that Invisalign is firmly established as one of the most popular  treatment options in orthodontics. 

Easy to Learn, Hard to Master

Though Invisalign has been around for a number of years now, being a recent technology, it has been a difficult technique for most orthodontists and dentists t to master. 

Part of the reason is that, like many orthodontics treatments, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and so extensive planning and customization must be done in order to create an effective treatment plan. 

One of the drawbacks is that with clear aligners like Invisalign, the patient can take out the aligner whenever they wish, and when they do that often, or for extended periods of time, this can hinder progress and result in a less-than-ideal result at the end of the treatment. 

How Dr. Firouz Became a Diamond Plus Provider 

For those orthodontists who have managed to gain extraordinary success in Invisalign treatment, the company places them in the top 1% of Invisalign providers. This special status is called “ Diamond Plus Provider”. 

How does one gain this status? 

Well, as hinted at above, it is a mastery of Invisalign treatments that bring about high success rates, making a Diamond Plus Provider the only logical choice for patients looking for a thorough and successful treatment plan, personalized just for their mouth and ideal smile. 

This is what makes Dr. Firouz such a popular provider amongst patients whose smiles are a big part of their livelihood, such as social media influencers

With Dr. Firouz, you can be sure to get a personalized path to the perfect smile, whether you want to correct overcrowding or large gaps between teeth, crossbite, overbite or underbite, or just to refine your already beautiful smile.

Top 1% Treatment Options

If you are interested in an unparalleled orthodontic treatment, then do not hesitate to reach out to Firouz Orthodontics to get the smile you deserve! 

Whatever your unique issue is, you can be sure that Dr. Firouz can make Invisalign work for you, as he has helped thousands of satisfied patients achieve their dream smile. At doctor Firouz Orthodontics, we treat over 80% of our patients with Invisalign.

Please call us. Excellence, Experience and  Efficiency with Invisalign is our specialty.


What it Means to Be Treated by a DiamondPlus Provider

It’s official—Dr. Firouz is a DiamondPlus provider. This means that we are in the top 1% of Invisalign providers within the field of orthodontics!

At Firouz Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch, satisfaction-guaranteed treatment to all of our customers, no matter how much work it takes to help them achieve their ideal smile.  

This has been our goal since Dr. Firouz started this practice over twenty years ago, and those decades of experience has made him the preferred choice for the more than 10,000 patients that he has treated over that time. 

High Quality Solutions with our Invisalign Treatment

We offer a variety of techniques and treatments to create the best smile for every unique customer, and Invisalign has proven to be one of our most popular treatments. 

Our practice is in a city where many people make a living from being on camera, so having a perfect smile is often a requirement for getting consistent work. 

As a result, many of our patients, including LA’s top social media influencers, come into our office seeking a more subtle alternative to metal braces, which, though effective, can be unsightly and distracting in pictures and videos. 

Though not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign, most people are. Much of the success of the treatment is dependent on the discipline of the patient, since Invisalign can be removed at any time. So, for a patient to achieve their perfect smile, they need to be able to stay committed to wearing their Invisalign. 

How We Became a DiamondPlus Provider

However, it is not just the commitment of our amazing patients that has made us earn our prestigious DiamondPlus provider status. 

With each patient that walks through our door, we work hard to create a personalized treatment plan so that they can get the maximum results from their own Invisalign retainer. 

This is not a one-size-fits-all treatment, which is why the proper guidance and planning from a specialist is instrumental towards creating success. 

Dr. Firouz has become a DiamondPlus provider due to his overwhelming success with his Invisalign patients, from teenagers who benefit from our Invisalign Teen treatment plan to adults who are wishing to straighten their teeth in an unnoticeable fashion. Or, patients who want to straighten their teeth without eliminating foods from their diet that would damage metal braces. 

Whatever your reason, you can be assured that Dr. Firouz will get to know you and your teeth well enough to find the most effective, low-cost plan that will have you smiling bright in no time. 

For a sampling of the problems that we provide unparalleled, top 1% service in, read the list below:

  • Overcrowding
  • Large gaps between teeth
  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

You can trust that you are in good hands with a DiamondPlus provider, and Dr. Firouz is no exception. Just check out our before and after page to see what our Invisalign treatment can do for you!

Want to get our DiamondPlus treatment? Reach out to us here!

No matter your age or stage in life, it’s never too late to consider an orthodontic treatment plan. At Firouz Orthodontics in West Los Angeleswoman holding her orthodontic treatment invisalign tray, our team enjoys creating orthodontic treatment plans for patients of all ages! While many people might consider orthodontics to be suited only to young people or teenagers, adults are pursuing orthodontic treatment in greater numbers than ever before. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, approximately 25 percent of orthodontic patients are over the age of 21.

Holding many adults back from seeking orthodontic treatment is the idea of metal wires, braces, and some of the inconveniences that come along with traditional braces. And for teens, when image and appearance come to the forefront for many, the idea of traditional braces may seem less than appealing. That’s why Invisalign® treatment is such an incredible treatment option for so many of our patients at Firouz Orthodontics. Not only is Invisalign treatment virtually invisible (as its name implies!), it is designed to be customized for each individual. There’s no “one size fits all” approach to Invisalign – each aligner is crafted especially for each patient based on their dental needs and overall goals. 

When patients visit us for a consultation in our West Los Angeles office, many ask us how an Invisalign treatment plan actually works. This is a common question, so we want to familiarize readers with how an Invisalign treatment plan works from start to finish. At Firouz Orthodontics, we make it easy for patients to begin treatment with the ultimate goal of achieving the smile of their dreams. If you are considering Invisalign or any orthodontic treatment, the team at Firouz Orthodontics welcomes your questions. We are here to help!


Step 1 – Consultation with Dr. Firouz

The first step is scheduling an orthodontic consultation with Dr. Firouz in our Brentwood area office (West Los Angeles). At this appointment, we assess your situation and begin the process of determining the orthodontic treatment options that may work best for your situation and needs. Invisalign treatment is just one of several options we consider when working with patients to determine what may be most effective for their unique case.

Many people are surprised when they learn Invisalign treatment can help correct a wide range of orthodontic concerns – even many considered particularly challenging. Invisalign can resolve common issues including teeth overcrowding, large gaps between teeth, crossbite, overbite, and underbite. Whether you choose Dr. Firouz or another provider, it is important to select an orthodontist. Many dentists are offering Invisalign treatment, yet lack the specialized orthodontic experience and expertise. This often leads to less than optimum outcomes. 


Step 2 – Digital Impressions

The first step to beginning Invisalign treatment starts with gathering proper imagery of your teeth. When it comes to Invisalign, Firouz Orthodontics is a “putty free zone”! That means no messy putty impressions of your teeth. Instead, we use the iTero HD 5D scanner with caries detection ability as part of our Invisalign treatment planning process. This process takes just two minutes! This 3D technology delivers incredibly accurate visuals that are essentially digital “impressions”. As part of your complimentary consultation, we immediately have access to iTero Scan Reports, which visualizes your digital “impressions” and allows us to show you what your end result will be after Invisalign treatment is complete. Our patients are always excited about that!


Step 3 – Order and Receive Invisalign Trays

Once we have digitized images of your teeth, we begin the process of ordering your customized trays through Invisalign. We carefully review each step of the process to be sure everything is on-track for reaching the treatment goals we have established for your case. It will take approximately one month to receive your initial set of trays. 


Step 4 – Completing Treatment

Depending on your treatment plan, you will change out your trays every two weeks to the next aligner. This serves to gradually move your teeth to optimum position. Over time, you will complete treatment and reveal the smile you’ve always wanted! Once you’ve completed a full set of aligners based on your plan, we will examine your smile to determine whether your treatment is finished and has met established goals. The length of treatment can range from 6 to 24 months. Once your treatment is completed, we maintain the beautiful smile and functional bite with a set of custom made retainers.


Schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Firouz 

Whether you choose the Firouz Orthodontics team or another provider, be certain you are working with a qualified orthodontist who is well versed in Invisalign treatment planning. If you wish to schedule a complimentary consultation for yourself or a family member, please see our online appointment form, or call our West Los Angeles office at 310-447-5790.

When your dentist or orthodontist recommends orthodontic treatment for your or your child’s proper teeth and bite alignment, considering all the treatment options may feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t need to be! Today’s advanced orthodontics has changed tremendously since even 10-12 years ago. While traditional metal braces remain a particularly effective form of treatment for many patients, gone are the days of only one treatment option. Now more than ever, orthodontists can offer many ways to help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. 


At Firouz Orthodontics in Los Angeles, we offer treatment solutions for everyone – children, teens, and adults. And if you’re looking for a clear alternative to traditional metal braces, Dr. Maurice Firouz and his team specialize in customized Invisalign® aligners for adults and teens. If you think this option is out of reach for you financially – think again! We pride ourselves on offering exceptional and affordable care and treatment for our patients.


Orthodontic options – what’s right for me?


When you choose Firouz Orthodontics for your treatment, you’ll receive attentive, personalized care from our highly trained team of professionals. Dr. Firouz leads our team in restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile at affordable prices, because everyone deserves to have a beautiful smile!


Different types of treatment options include traditional braces involving brackets cemented to the teeth. While brackets typically are metal, other options include ceramic or clear braces. Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces in that metal brackets are used. Yet, with this option, the brackets are cemented behind each tooth, for an “invisible” look. While this option may appeal to many patients and offer a suitable treatment option, lingual braces tend to be more expensive and may interfere with normal speech. Another option, Damon® braces, focus on rapid treatment through the use of unobtrusive sliders and lightweight, shape-memory arch wires. 


At Firouz Orthodontics, we are thrilled to offer patients Invisalign® treatment, which is a clear alternative to traditional styles of braces. The Invisalign system consists of a series of custom-made aligners, delivered  by your orthodontist every few weeks to guide your teeth into a new configuration. Not only does Invisalign make for a more discreet way of treating dental alignment issues, the aligners are flexible and may be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and special occasions.  


While some patients’ treatment plans call for metal (traditional) braces for best results, there are a wide range of dental problems Invisalign has shown to resolve as well. At Firouz Orthodontics, we have successfully corrected a wide range of bite problems with Invisalign treatment including: overcrowding, underbite, overbite, crossbite, and large gaps between the teeth, as well as open bites. 


Finding the right Invisalign treatment orthodontist


So, if you’re considering looking into Invisalign treatment for yourself or a family member, what should you look for when researching orthodontists? Here are a few ideas to get you started:


  1.   Research their Invisalign treatment experience.

First and foremost, consult with certified orthodontists. While some general dentists may offer ortho treatment, orthodontists receive years of specialized education and training in the field. When exploring orthodontist options in your area, be sure to ask lots of questions regarding how many cases they have successfully treated. Do not hesitate to ask for “before and after” photos and other information regarding what types of dental issues the orthodontist has resolved using Invisalign. Depending on your case, you will spend six to 24 months trusting the orthodontist you select, so be sure it’s a good match! 


Dr. Firouz has proudly earned status as an Invisalign Platinum Provider. This preferred status indicates completion of a minimum of 50 cases and continued treatment of at least 25 cases every six months. This status places the practice in the top three percent of providers in the nation. 


  1.   Ask lots of questions about how Invisalign works.  

When a treatment plan is followed correctly, Invisalign produces wonderful results for patients. This system has truly revolutionized the field of orthodontics! It is important that the orthodontist you choose uses state-of-the-art equipment in capturing three-dimensional images of your entire jaw prior to any Invisalign treatment recommendation. 


Dr. Firouz uses the iTero HD,5D Plus  intraoral scanner as part of our treatment planning process. This exceptional technology delivers incredibly accurate visuals that are essentially digital “impressions”. So, no more messy impression material in your mouth! Once all planning is complete, the orthodontist creates a unique set of aligners. 


  1.   Request a complimentary consultation.

Deciding to pursue braces or Invisalign is a big decision, and you want to feel comfortable knowing all the facts you can. An initial consultation will help ensure you qualify for Invisalign and even get an idea of how much time may be required to correct your smile. At Firouz Orthodontics in Los Angeles, we want you to feel confident in your decision. If you are considering Invisalign treatment, we provide a colorful iTero Scan Report for you to take home with you. We encourage you to review at your own pace and simply call us with any questions. Our goal is making you comfortable with a treatment plan that’s customized for you.


  1.   Ask about payment options and dental plan coverage.

We understand that Invisalign treatment (and all orthodontic procedures) can be expensive. At Firouz Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on providing affordable care in a welcoming, comfortable environment. When researching orthodontists in your area, ask about payment plans and what types of dental plans their office accepts.  We accept most dental insurances as well as CareCredit patient financing.

Located in West Los Angeles, Firouz Orthodontics specializes in treating children, teens, and adults. We proudly offer a range of traditional braces options, as well as Invisalign® treatment. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you achieve your healthiest, most beautiful smile that will last for years to come. Call our West Los Angeles office today to schedule your FREE consultation – and discover how soon you can have your dream smile! 

When it comes to our patients at Firouz Orthodontics, combining state-of-the-art technologies with exceptional care and service are top priorities. Preparing for orthodontic treatment for yourself or your children may seem overwhelming. That’s why we present personalized information in a clear, easy-to-understand way, so you can make decisions confidently. Beginning with your initial office consultation, you’ll be comfortable knowing you have the most complete treatment information and recommendations possible. 

To help us do that, we are thrilled to use the iTero Element® intraoral scanner as part of our treatment planning process. This exceptional technology delivers incredibly accurate visuals that are essentially digital “impressions”. With these images and accompanying information, you’ll have everything you need to make decisions. If you are a visual learner, the colorful iTero Scan Reports will be perfect for you. Take the report home with you, review at your convenience, and simply call us with any questions! Our goal is making you comfortable with a treatment plan that’s customized for you.

iTero Scan Report

iTero Scan Report

Why do patients love the iTero Element scanner? 

Convenient scan reports 

Orthodontists who use the iTero Element scanner are able to provide immediate access to your intraoral images and treatment recommendations. Following a simple, 60-second scan, we present a concise results summary called the iTero Scan Report. Take the report home with you and take the time you need to consider any questions you may have. We are here to help make you comfortable in your treatment decisions.

No more messy putty impressions

We all know the traditional, old-school way of securing dental impressions – messy dental putty. With the iTero Element scanner, that’s a thing of the past! Our patients love this state-of-the-art digital impression system because it eliminates the need for heavy impression plates and thick putty in your mouth. 

Exceptional Imagery

With the iTero Element scanner, we capture highly detailed, digital 3D models of your teeth and gums. Not only is this process far more comfortable for patients than putty based impressions, it’s faster and can offer a superior clinical endpoint. That means the best possible results for you!

Greater Patient Comfort

No more gooey mess means you can breathe and swallow as you normally would, and there’s no putty residue afterwards. Another benefit is no unpleasant taste or smell. Patients may breathe and swallow as they normally would, which can be somewhat difficult when using metal plates and putty. 

Quick, Easy, and Accurate

While you’re still in the chair, you can view 3D scans onscreen immediately. The iTero Element also supports faster delivery times of your personalized Invisalign® treatment plan, compared to using traditional dental impressions. Additionally, if you are a patient who needs crowns, bridges, implants, or retainers, iTero Element provides the information we need for the most precise fit for your individual needs. Even better, this system eliminates the need for us to retake impressions.

iTero Element takes Invisalign® treatment to the next level.   

Invisalign treatment is an advanced, clear aligner system uniquely customized for each patient. Unlike braces or other fixed dental appliances, Invisalign clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible. Unlike with braces, there is no need to change the way you brush or floss, and you can keep eating all the foods you love.

Following initial Invisalign consultation with us, and a review of your customized treatment plan, we will create your first set of aligners. When you return to our office for your first aligners, we’ll examine you carefully to be sure you’re off to a good start. As weeks and months progress, we will examine your progress either virtually or in-person to be certain each step in the Invisalign process is improving your smile the way it should.

With the iTero Element intraoral scanner, Invisalign planning and treatment plans are more precise than ever. This ultimately means the best overall outcome for our patients. Beyond the scanning accuracy iTero Element provides, we can most closely track the progress of your Invisalign treatment. This system allows Dr. Firouz and his team to help you complete your Invisalign treatment faster than we could by using traditional, putty-based dental impressions. 

Located in West Los Angeles, Firouz Orthodontics specializes in treating children, teens, and adults with braces and Invisalign treatments. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you achieve your healthiest, most beautiful smile. Call today to schedule your FREE consultation, and discover how soon you can have your dream smile! 

 Firouz Orthodontics

Maurice Firouz, DDS

11645 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90025

(310) 447-5790


If you are considering or just deciding to go through with getting braces for yourself or your child, there are a few things you must be prepared for. First, the fact that taking care of your teeth will be considerably more difficult once your orthodontist fits you with your braces. Food can easily get stuck around the wires and braces which can lead to plaque build up or other more serious dental issues. 

Neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to serious oral health problems like cavities or a root canal. It could also prolong your treatment time and no one wants that! That is why proper brace care and hygiene is something that both you and your child should be ready to accept.

How To Brush & Floss With Braces

Keeping your teeth clean is extra important when you have braces so that plaque and bacteria doesn’t get trapped inside and around them causing cavities or other serious dental issues. 

  • Prepare to brush. Take off elastics and any other removable parts of your orthodontic appliance.
  • Brush  your braces. Clean around the wires and hooks of your braces making sure to clean the whole appliance system. Take your time, make sure you brush both upper and lower arches and floss under the wires.. 
  • Brush your teeth one by one making sure to get both the inside and outside surfaces  of the teeth. 
  • Floss it least once a day. If you floss everyday you will not only help to keep your braces cleaner, but you will help your overall gum health. 
  • Actually Look at your teeth and braces in the mirror. Examine them to make sure that nothing is broken or loose. If breakage occurs, call your orthodontist immediately to schedule an appointment. Until then here is some helpful information to help with brace emergencies. 

By taking good care of your braces , you can help prevent damage to your teeth or the braces themselves. In addition to taking care of your dental hygiene, make sure to attend all of your Dental and Orthodontist appointments. Additionally avoid all hard sugary foods and snacks.

Benefits Of Braces 

Aside from poor aesthetics, improperly aligned teeth can also cause difficulties biting, chewing, and articulating clearly.  Generally speaking, orthodontists agree that straight teeth tend to be healthier teeth.

Braces offer a multitude of health and dental benefits including:

  • Decreases the Risk of Gum Disease and Tooth Decay.
  • Corrects Your Bite.
  • Corrects Teeth Crowding Issues.
  • Closes Teeth Gaps.
  • Mends Unmatched Dental Midlines.
  • Treats TMJ.
  • Prevents Bone loss.
  • Can alleviate Jaw Pain.

Types of Braces

Traditional braces – These braces are strong and tend not to stain the teeth.  They are comprised of individual brackets which are cemented to each tooth and accompanied by an archwire which constantly asserts gentle pressure on the teeth.  Traditional braces are generally metal but are also available in a clear synthetic material and “tooth colored” ceramic.  The ceramic brackets are usually more cosmetic than the metal alternative, but the elastics can become discolored by coffee, wine, smoking, and certain foods.

Invisalign®Invisalign® aligners are clear trays and should be worn for the recommended amount of time each day for the quickest results..  Invisalign® aligners are more comfortable and less protrusive than traditional braces but can be more costly.  Not all patients are candidates for Invisalign®, although more and more patients are.

Lingual braces – These appliances are usually metal and fixed on the lingual side of the teeth, therefore cannot be seen when a patient smiles.  Lingual braces tend to be moderately expensive and can interfere with normal speech.

If you have any questions about orthodontic braces, or adult braces, or Invisalign, please contact our office. We have been voted as the best Orthodontist for Invisalign and braces in West Los Angeles, Please check our five star Yelp and google reviews. (310) 447-5790 Now performing Virtual Consults!

Contact Firouz Orthodontics in West Los Angeles

💻 https://www.firouzorthodontics.com/

📍 11645 Wilshire Blvd. #1060, Los Angeles, CA 90025

📱 310-447-5790

📧 info@firouzorthodontics.com

Instagram: @firouzortho Facebook: @Firouz Orthodontics

Invisalign treatment in west los angelesMost people consider their middle and high school years the period in which they should get braces and or retainers, however, the majority could benefit greatly from seeking orthodontic treatment well past the teen years.

For those in their 20s and 30s, Invisalign is their best bet for an easy, non-invasive teeth-straightening . Invisalign is advanced, cosmetic, effective, comfortable, hygienic, and very cost effective. There are several easy payment plans as well. Invisalign benefits adults as they don’t have to change their lifestyle.

Invisalign Benefits

No diet restrictions

Now this is a big perk. With braces, only certain foods are allowed, and you must avoid foods that could break or loosen the brackets. With Invisalign, all you need to do is remove the clear trays, feast on whatever food You desire, then rinse and just pop them back on when you’re finished. Eat what you want, when you want.

Extremely Hygienic

Braces are hard to keep clean. You need to use a specific flossing tool to get around the wires and around the brackets, and be extra careful when brushing your teeth. With Invisalign, pop them out and brush and floss to your heart’s content. You can also clean the plastic trays with greater ease than you would braces. Typically, you can clean them with just a toothbrush and some soap or other cleanser, and put them back on for a greater freshness.

Easier Check-Ups

When you have braces, adjustments take longer, they are more frequent, and involve tightening the braces and or wires. . With Invisalign, you don’t even have to go anywhere–your visits can be completely virtual, which is especially useful during a pandemic.

Reducing Risk of Disease and Decay

When you have straighter teeth, you reduce your risk of suffering from gum disease and tooth decay as you get older. Invisalign is not just an investment in the cosmetics of your smile, but also an investment in your overall health. It is always best to spend time and money in prevention of disease,

Receiving Invisalign treatment will be one of the best investments you can make in yourself. An investment which will pay dividends for years to come in form of a more confident smile, more success in your career, and healthier and more comfortable and longer lasting bite, teeth, and gums.

Invisalign is also ideal for those who have never had orthodontic treatment as well as those patients who have experienced some relapse after an earlier treatment with braces. Invisalign, with the help of our iTero scanner, can also treat very complex orthodontic cases as well.

Let us show you how easy it is to achieve your dream smile.

Contact Firouz Orthodontics

Firouz Orthodontics
(Maurice Firouz, DDS)

Address: 11645 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90025

We encourage you to contact us with any
questions or comments you may have.

Please call our office at (310) 447-5790

Email: info@firouzorthodontics.com

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:30AM – 5:30PM

Here at Firouz Orthodontics, we’ve had to make some big adjustments to keep our patients treated and satisfied throughout the COVID-19 crisis. We have just now begun making in-person appointments again, but we are also continuing our remote services as well. If you’ve been out of the loop about how we’ve been serving our patients during the pandemic, then keep reading below to learn more about how we’ve done so, and why we’ve chosen to continue our remote services despite resuming our in-person appointments. 

During the total shutdown period of the COVID-19 crisis, we resolved to stay connected with our patients through virtual consultations. Our virtual consults consist of meeting with patients online and figuring out what treatment is needed for them. Once that is done, we can ship whatever necessary Invisalign treatments a patient needs to their residence. It is quick, effective, and easy, and we are proud to report that a good many of our patients got the treatment they needed and were satisfied with the results. In addition, patients are given the 24/7 around-the-clock access to us through calling or texting us, with a guaranteed response. 

We can proudly say that virtual consults have gone well, and continue to do so. 

In-Person Experience

Some patients, however, missed the in-person experience, which we regret not being able to offer them for some few months. However, we have now begun our reopening process, where we take one patient at a time. Only the patient is allowed inside, family members or other accompanying people must wait outside. Inside, only a receptionist and the doctor comprise the staff, to ensure that as minimal contact possible is made between staff and patient. 

We have PPE equipment, gowns, masks, gloves, sanitizers, and more to ensure that every patient that comes in for in-person service will have a safe, healthy, and comforting experience. We are an orthodontic practice, so maintaining health and cleanliness standards is already a top priority, pandemic or not, but We have taken extra steps to ensure sanitizing of all instruments and equipment are undertaken between every patient visit to make you feel comfortable and safe. If you’ve been wanting an in-patient visit, don’t hesitate to call and schedule one–we guarantee it will be a safe experience that will leave you healthy and satisfied. 

That being said, we understand that there are still plenty of people out there that don’t feel comfortable doing in-person visits just yet. For those people, we are happy to continue offering our virtual and remote services. We plan on continuing our remote treatments far into the future, so there is no worry about needing to come in for an in-person appointment any time soon. 

Whatever your preference is, just know that Firouz Orthodontics will continue to offer the high-quality remote and in-person treatments for as long as need be. In order to see all the steps we have taken to protect your safety please watch our 6 minute video posted on Instagram for @Firouzortho.


Choosing Invisalign treatment with the clear plastic removable aligners versus the more traditional metal braces will still be an overall adjustment no matter how old you are. Here are 4 Invisalign Tips everyone should know before starting Invisalign Treatment: 
Invisalign treatment

1. Wear Your Aligners Like You Are Told

A major difference between Invisalign and metal braces is the fact that your Invisalign aligners are removable.  Unlike with metal braces there are really no food restrictions because you can remove the invisalign aligners when you are eating. Brushing your teeth and flossing actually becomes easier because of the ability to remove your invisalign aligners.

Problems with this arise when you forget to put your aligners back in! If you are not wearing your Aligners the recommended 20 hours per day it could lead to an overall delay in your treatment. To help with this, we recommend cleaning your aligners right away after every meal so you remember to put them back in. 

2. Clean Your Aligners as Recommended

We recommend that you gently brush your aligners, before inserting them. Brushing your aligners helps remove germs and bacteria from your invisalign aligners. You can soak your aligners in a glass of water with a denture cleaner or Invisalign cleaning crystals every few days. Please wash your hands thoroughly every time you remove and place the aligners.⁠ It’s always good to have clean aligners in your mouth so when you eat again, you don’t have more food stuck in it.

3. Don’t lose your Aligners.

Especially now, you should not be removing your aligners and keeping them in napkins or out in the open. If you lose your Invisalign aligners, wear the last one in your possession at least at nights until we can send you your next set of Invisalign aligners.⁠ A good tip is to always keep your aligners case with you and to always safely put them there. Contact Doctor Firouz immediately for further instructions. 

Propel P1C_VPro+ speeds up the Invisalign Treatment process

4. Look Into Propel VPro-5

The Propel VPro-5 uses high-frequency vibrations to speed up alignments and your overall Invisalign treatment process. With use of the Propel VPro-5 , we are able to offer our Invisalign patients the following advantages:

    • An increase in treatment predictability
    • Typically, Less adjustments 
    • Speeds up the overall process
    • Reported Less discomfort from patients
    • Increased participation
    • Only need 5-minutes per usage
    • Overall an increase in patient satisfaction 

Contact Us: 

Need help with that smile?

Firouz Orthodontics specializes in teen brace, adult braces, Invisalign, and Invisalign for teens. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.There’s no better feeling than falling in love with your own smile all over again.

💻 https://www.firouzorthodontics.com/

📍 11645 Wilshire Blvd. #1060, Los Angeles, CA 90025

📱 310-447-5790

📧 info@firouzorthodontics.com

Instagram: @firouzortho

Facebook: @Firouz Orthodontics


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Firouz Orthodontics is now taking out Invisalign Treatment virtual by NOW OFFERING VIRTUAL CONSULTS + SEEING EMERGENCY PATIENTS ONLY.⁠

In order to protect the safety of our patient’s and our staff, our office is now only open for emergency patients.⁠ We are, however, offering virtual consultations, and can be reached through office phone, text, email, Facebook and Instagram messaging on a daily basis. ⁠


  • We do not allow any patient or staff member with any symptoms into the office.
  • All patients and staff sanitize hands before they come into the treatment area.
  • Only the patient and staff are allowed in the treatment area, No Spouses, No kids, etc.
  • In addition to our regular cleaning, we are sanitizing every all all services routinely and more frequently. This means our instruments too.
  • We are supplying all of our staff with PPE equipment for staff to feel safe and to keep our patients safe. 

Here are a few recommendations for our patents:⁠


✔️Continue to wear your Invisalign aligners as scheduled⁠

✔️If you complete your Invisalign aligners, wear the last one in your possession at least at nights until we can send you your next set of Invisalign aligners.⁠

✔️If possible, we can try to mail you the next few aligners.⁠

✔️Please wash your hands thoroughly every time you remove and place the aligners.⁠



✔️Maintain excellent hygiene especially when you floss and brush⁠

✔️Use wax for any minor brace emergencies

✔️Avoid all hard foods to minimize orthodontic emergencies⁠

✔️If there is a loose brace or a poky wire please contact us and share a photo so we can advise you on how to best deal with this situation.⁠ If we need to get on a Virtual meeting that can be arranged. 

✔️If the problem persists, we will make arrangements to see you and make sure you are comfortable⁠.



✔️Please continue to wear your orthodontic  retainers only at nights in order to minimize the potential for lost retainers and to maintain your correction.⁠

✔️Do not wrap your retainers in a napkin or paper towel.⁠

✔️Brush your retainers on a daily basis to keep them clean.⁠

✔️ In case you have a lost or broken retainer, please contact our office for urgent arrangements.⁠

⚠️ And remember to wash your hands thoroughly prior to handling any of your orthodontic appliances. ⁠

The quickest way to reach us is by calling 310-447-5790. ⁠

If our receptionist is not available during your call,⁠ a text message will be sent to your phone allowing you to communicate with us immediately via text.⁠

We are here for you to make sure that your urgent needs are taken care of until there is clarity as to when the ADA and CDA can safely recommend for us to begin seeing patients. ⁠



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Firouz Orthodontics
(Maurice Firouz, DDS)

Address: 11645 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90025

We encourage you to contact us with any
questions or comments you may have.

Please call our office at (310) 447-5790

Email: info@firouzorthodontics.com

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:30AM – 5:30PM