At Firouz Orthodontics, we understand the growing curiosity surrounding Invisalign’s effectiveness for various teeth misalignmentInvisalign Effectiveness concerns. As a top 1% Invisalign provider in West Los Angeles, we’re passionate about helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile through this innovative treatment option.

Here, we delve into the world of Invisalign and Invisalign’s effectiveness by exploring its capabilities for addressing different teeth misalignments:

Addressing Common Concerns with Confidence:

  1. Overbite, Underbite, and Bite Issues: Whether you have a mild overbite, underbite, or other bite discrepancy, Invisalign can be a powerful tool for achieving proper alignment. Our experience with thousands of successful cases allows us to precisely design your treatment plan, gradually shifting your teeth and correcting your bite with a series of comfortable, clear aligners.
  2. Closing Gaps (diastema): Gaps between teeth can be a source of aesthetic concern. Invisalign’s gentle, controlled pressure effectively closes these gaps, creating a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.
  3. Addressing Crowded Teeth: Crowded teeth are not just a cosmetic issue; they can also make it difficult to clean your teeth properly, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. As a top Invisalign provider, we have extensive experience in addressing mild to moderate crowding cases. We can use Invisalign to strategically move your teeth, creating space for proper alignment and improved oral health.
  4. Considering Your Unique Needs: While Invisalign offers a versatile solution for many patients, it’s important to understand its limitations. During your personalized consultation at Firouz Orthodontics, we will conduct a thorough examination and discuss your specific needs and goals. Based on this in-depth evaluation, we will determine if Invisalign is the ideal solution for achieving your desired outcome.

Beyond Aesthetics: The Benefits of a Straightened Smile:

At Firouz Orthodontics, we believe in the transformative power of a healthy, confident smile. Invisalign treatment goes beyond just aesthetics, offering numerous benefits for your oral health, including:

  • Improved Oral Hygiene: Straightened teeth are easier to clean, reducing plaque buildup and the risk of gum disease.
  • Enhanced Speech: Misaligned teeth can sometimes impact your speech clarity. Invisalign treatment can help improve your articulation for clearer communication.
  • Reduced Jaw Pain: Improper bite alignment can contribute to jaw pain and discomfort. Invisalign can help achieve proper bite alignment, potentially alleviating these issues.
  • Boosted Confidence: A confident smile can significantly impact your self-esteem. Invisalign’s discreet nature allows you to undergo treatment without feeling self-conscious, leading to a renewed sense of confidence and improved quality of life.

Start Your Smile Journey Today:

At Firouz Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic care, utilizing cutting-edge technology and personalized treatment plans. As a top 1% Invisalign provider in West Los Angeles, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your dream smile.

Schedule your complimentary consultation today and let us guide you on your journey towards a healthier, more confident you. Together, we can unveil the potential of your smile with Invisalign.

A radiant smile is a valuable asset, boosting confidence and enhancing overall well-being. However, the cost of orthodontic treatments, such as braces and Invisalign, can sometimes pose a financial barrier for individuals seeking to improve their oral health and aesthetics. 


Fortunately, many insurance plans offer coverage for orthodontic treatments, providing patients with a means to achieve their desired smiles without straining their budgets.


Understanding Insurance Coverage for Orthodontic Care


Insurance coverage for orthodontic treatments varies depending on the specific plan and individual circumstances. Generally, insurance plans classify orthodontic treatments as either preventive or corrective. 


Preventive orthodontic care, such as interceptive orthodontics for young children, is often covered under dental insurance plans. Corrective orthodontic care, such as braces or Invisalign for adults, may be partially or fully covered, depending on the plan’s provisions.


Factors Influencing Insurance Coverage


Several factors can influence whether orthodontic treatment is covered by insurance. These factors may include:


  • Age: Orthodontic treatment is more likely to be covered for younger patients, as early intervention can prevent more complex dental problems later in life.


  • Severity of the orthodontic condition: Insurance companies often do not make a distinction between easy and difficult bite correction, and will generally cover it if there is ortho benefits.


  • Individual plan provisions: Each insurance plan has its own specific coverage guidelines for orthodontic treatment. Patients should carefully review their plan’s details to understand their coverage. Our practice can also assist you in verifying your benefits.


Maximizing Insurance Benefits at Firouz Orthodontics


At Firouz Orthodontics, we understand the complexities of insurance coverage and are committed to helping patients maximize their benefits. Our experienced team works closely with insurance providers to ensure that patients receive the maximum coverage for their orthodontic treatment.


Steps to Maximize Insurance Coverage


Verify coverage: The first step is to verify whether your insurance plan covers orthodontic treatment. Contact your insurance provider or review your plan’s documentation to determine your specific coverage or call our office for assistance.


  • Obtain a referral: Some insurance plans require a referral from your dentist before they will authorize coverage for orthodontic treatment. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your treatment needs and obtain a referral if necessary.


  • Schedule a consultation: Once you have verified your coverage and obtained a referral, schedule a consultation with an orthodontist at Firouz Orthodontics. During the consultation, the orthodontist will assess your orthodontic needs and discuss the treatment options available.


  • File an insurance claim: Our team will work with your insurance provider to file an insurance claim for your treatment. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork and documentation to ensure your claim is processed smoothly.


Firouz Orthodontics: Your Partner in Achieving a Brighter Smile


At Firouz Orthodontics, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality orthodontic care. We accept a wide range of insurance plans and are committed to working with our patients to maximize their benefits.


Our team of experienced orthodontists and dedicated staff is dedicated to providing personalized care and achieving exceptional results for each patient.


Contact Us Today to Explore Your Treatment Options


If you’re considering orthodontic treatment and have insurance, don’t hesitate to contact Firouz Orthodontics today. We offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your individual needs, explain your insurance coverage options, and develop a personalized treatment plan that fits your budget.


Together, we can unlock a brighter future for your smile and enhance your overall well-being with the help of our expert care and the benefits of your insurance coverage.

Invisalign Virtual Care and AI-Powered Progress Monitoring

Invisalign Virtual CareIn the dynamic world of orthodontics, technological advancements are reshaping the way treatments are delivered. Firouz Orthodontics is at the forefront of this transformation, exemplifying how innovation can enhance patient care. A significant milestone in this journey is the introduction of Invisalign Virtual Care, which not only redefines orthodontic treatment but also leverages AI to determine if teeth are tracking correctly and if patients should continue with aligners.

Moreover, virtual care offers patients numerous advantages, eliminating the need for frequent in-person visits and sparing them the inconvenience of travel, gasoline expenses, and parking fees—all from the comfort of their own homes.

The Evolution of Invisalign Virtual Care

Before we explore how AI-driven technology complements Invisalign Virtual Care, let’s first recognize the profound impact this treatment method has had on orthodontics. Invisalign, often hailed as a groundbreaking alternative to traditional braces, is renowned for its discreet and convenient nature. These clear aligners gradually guide teeth into the desired alignment, offering individuals a way to correct their smiles without the limitations of metal braces.

As the orthodontic landscape evolves, the integration of AI into Invisalign Virtual Care marks a pivotal moment in this journey of advancement.

AI-Enhanced Progress Monitoring

AI technology, rather than lip retractors, takes center stage in this new era of orthodontic care. AI algorithms analyze images of a patient’s teeth to determine the alignment progress and whether the treatment should proceed. This not only enhances precision but also minimizes the need for physical appointments.

Empowering Patients through Virtual Care

In the traditional orthodontic model, patients typically played a passive role, awaiting in-person appointments to gauge their treatment progress. In contrast, Invisalign Virtual Care, driven by AI, encourages patients to actively participate in their transformation. They capture images of their teeth at specified intervals, which are then analyzed remotely by orthodontists. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility while transforming the patient-orthodontist relationship into a true partnership.

Precise Alignment in the Virtual Realm

The success of orthodontic treatment hinges on the accuracy of aligners in guiding teeth into the desired positions. In traditional models, this alignment tracking occurred during physical appointments. However, with the advent of AI-driven virtual care, orthodontists can now assess progress with heightened precision and frequency, making proactive adjustments as needed.

Unprecedented Convenience

One of the most compelling benefits of Invisalign Virtual Care is the unparalleled convenience it offers patients. Virtual care eliminates the logistical challenges of frequent in-person visits, making orthodontic treatment accessible to those with busy schedules or living in remote areas.

Strengthening the Patient-Orthodontist Partnership

Successful orthodontic outcomes often result from collaboration between patients and professionals. Invisalign Virtual Care, powered by AI, bridges geographical and temporal gaps between orthodontists and patients. Through secure image transmission, orthodontists can remotely review progress and provide guidance when necessary, fostering a deeper understanding of oral health and treatment trajectory among patients.

Real-Time Progress Evaluation

AI technology enables orthodontists to review photographs in near real-time, reducing the risk of treatment delays and ensuring efficiency.

Proactive Issue Resolution

The integration of AI and virtual care streamlines the process of addressing challenges, whether minor adjustments or complex issues. Regular photo submissions empower orthodontists to identify and resolve issues promptly, keeping treatment on track.

The Future of Orthodontics

As healthcare continues to evolve, the integration of Invisalign Virtual Care and AI represents the future of orthodontics. The march of progress is expected to bring even more advanced tools and platforms, allowing orthodontists to provide comprehensive remote treatment while maintaining the highest standards of care.

Orthodontic Solutions from Dr. Firouz

Invisalign Virtual Care, empowered by AI, has ushered in a new era of orthodontic treatment. It empowers patients, fosters collaboration, enhances treatment precision, and accelerates progress evaluations. This transformative approach leads to a future where orthodontics is not only more effective but also more accessible, adaptable, and patient-centered. Dr. Firouz embraces the capabilities of virtual care to make your journey to a confident and radiant smile more engaging, convenient, and personalized than ever before!

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment option that utilizes clear aligners to straighten teeth. It is often sought after by individuals who wish to improve their smiles without the need for traditional metal braces. One common dental issue that people often want to address is the presence of gaps between their teeth. The good news is that Invisalign can indeed be used to fix gaps, providing an effective solution for those seeking a more aligned and harmonious smile.

Invisalign works by utilizing a series of custom-made clear aligners that gradually shift the teeth into their desired positions. These aligners are made of a smooth and virtually invisible plastic material, ensuring a discreet treatment experience. The aligners are worn for approximately 20 to 22 hours a day, with the patient changing to a new set of aligners every one to two weeks.

Can Invisalign be Used to Fix Gaps?

To address gaps between teeth, the Invisalign treatment plan is tailored to the specific needs of the individual. The aligners are designed to exert gentle and controlled forces on the teeth, gradually moving them closer together over time. By consistently wearing the aligners as directed by the orthodontist, the gaps between the teeth can be gradually closed.

The effectiveness of Invisalign in fixing gaps depends on the severity of the spacing issue. In cases of mild to moderate gaps, Invisalign can produce excellent results. However, for more severe gaps or complex orthodontic issues, alternative treatments such as traditional braces or additional dental procedures may be recommended.

Invisalign treatment for gaps begins with an initial consultation with an orthodontist experienced in providing Invisalign. They will assess the individual’s oral health, discuss their goals, and determine if Invisalign is a suitable option. Using advanced technology, such as 3D imaging and computer simulations, the orthodontist will create a customized treatment plan, showcasing the predicted progression of tooth movement and the final result.

Throughout the treatment process, regular check-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments. These visits provide an opportunity to ensure the treatment is proceeding as planned and address any concerns or questions the patient may have.These visits can also be provided virtually.

Achieve a Perfect Smile with Invisalign Treatment for Gaps at Firouz Orthodontics

At Firouz Orthodontics, we specialize in providing top-quality orthodontic care, including Invisalign treatment, to address gaps and a wide range of other dental issues. Our team of experienced orthodontists is dedicated to helping patients achieve their desired smiles in a comfortable and friendly environment.

Ready to say goodbye to those unsightly gaps and hello to a beautiful smile? Schedule your consultation with Firouz Orthodontics today and discover how Invisalign can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Visit Firouz Orthodontics for more information and to book your consultation now and take the first step towards a confident and gap-free smile.

When it comes to straightening teeth, traditional braces have been the go-to option for decades. However, Invisalign treatment has been gaining popularity in recent years, for many good reasons. 

Since Invisalign, like many orthodontic treatments, is a collaborative effort between you and your orthodontist, it pays to work with an expert. This is why you should consider seeing an Invisalign expert like Doctor Firouz, who is in the top 1% of Invisalign providers, for your care. Read on to learn why Invisalign is a better option than braces.

Discreet Treatment

One of the main benefits of Invisalign is that it is virtually invisible. Unlike braces, which use obvious metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses clear aligners that are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth. 

These aligners are made from a clear, BPA-free plastic material that you can remove to eat and brush and for special occasions.. Of course, you are going to have to keep them on for as long as possible. 

Improved Comfort

Braces can be uncomfortable and cause pain and irritation, especially during the first few weeks of treatment. Invisalign aligners are specifically designed to be smooth and comfortable. In addition, they do not have any sharp edges that can irritate your cheeks and gums.

Being able to remove the aligners while you eat is another added bonus. Eating with braces is notoriously uncomfortable, with some foods like popcorn being off the table. 


Braces require frequent visits to the orthodontist to have the wires and brackets adjusted. Invisalign aligners are replaced every week or two. 

This means less time spent  in the dental chair as the aligner visits are every 3 months or so especially with virtual care. 

Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, so you can take them out to eat and brush your teeth, which makes maintaining excellent  oral hygiene easier.

Effective Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment can be as effective as braces in correcting a wide range of orthodontic problems, including crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. 

There are also less potential problems with Invisalign aligners. A common issue with braces is that brackets may break, which can delay the treatment even further 

Quicker Treatment

On average, Invisalign treatment tends to be speedier than traditional braces. 

Invisalign can get the job done in as quick as a year, or year and a half, for complex cases, whereas braces tend to take up to 24 months, while some patients can take even longer than that for braces to fully work. 

Expert Invisalign Treatment from Firouz Orthodontics

If you are considering Invisalign treatment, it is essential to find an experienced Invisalign provider. At Dr Firouz they are a top 1% Diamond Invisalign provider.

Based in West Los Angeles, Doctor Firouz is in the top 1% Invisalign providers in the world. With years of experience, Doctor Firouz provides you with personalized treatment that is tailored to your individual needs. 

Additionally, Doctor Firouz has access to the latest Invisalign technology, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment.

In conclusion, Invisalign treatment offers a range of benefits over traditional braces, including discreet treatment, improved comfort, convenience, and effectiveness. 

If you are considering Invisalign treatment, be sure to consult with an experienced Invisalign provider like Doctor Firouz to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment.

Many orthodontist’s offices proudly display before and after pictures of past patients whose smile straightened after using Invisalign. 

These always offer patients the opportunity to reflect on what such treatment can do for themselves. Much of the time, this involves imagining for yourself what Invisalign can do for your own unique mouth. 

Great as the before and after pictures may be, there is still a fact that must be faced: Everyone’s mouth is different, and so it can be hard for a nonprofessional to truly picture what changes Invisalign may bring. 

Nowadays, you do not even have to look at other patients’ photos for proof of what Invisalign can do for your smile. 

Thanks to the Invisalign Outcome Scanner Pro, you will be able to see your future smile within minutes of uploading your photo. 

Next-Generation Visualization Technology

This is a breakthrough in dental science, and technology in general. 

In the world of dental care, this revolutionizes the way that patients will approach their treatment, as it offers them more power in making the decision about what treatments are correct for them. 

For the orthodontists, this technology can make it much easier to communicate with patients the potential benefits of Invisalign. Instead of asking the patient to imagine a new smile, they can literally show the patient their new smile! 

Being able to quickly and easily visualize a patient’s personal Invisalign journey makes it much easier to know if the treatment is the right choice. 

It benefits both doctor and patient, both of whom work together to create an Invisalign plan based on the patient’s particular dental needs. 

How Does It Work? 

The Invisalign Outcome Scanner Pro automates the process of simulating your future smile. 

What you are basically seeing in the simulation is a highly accurate prediction from a machine that was trained to recognize the particular impact that Invisalign has on smiles. 

This process of prediction is achieved through algorithms that take the “input data”, which would be a digital photo of a patient’s face, study that picture’s particular features such as the gaps between the teeth, and create a brand new image based on the first photo. 

This new picture is called the “output data.” 

With that background in hard data, the machine can then easily make predictions about what your smile will look like after Invisalign treatment. 

These simulations can be quickly produced during your appointment, so that you can continue to talk about potential Invisalign treatment with the orthodontist while the images are rendered. 

Treatment from the Top 1% of Orthodontists

Interested in using the Invisalign Outcome Scanner Pro? 

You certainly can when you go to Firouz Orthodontics, where the latest and greatest technology is readily available for our patients. 

Dr. Firouz, who is a Diamond Plus Provider for Invisalign treatment, is the best orthodontist in West Los Angeles. No matter what your smile goals are, we are sure to meet them!

Have any questions? Check out our FAQ or get in contact with us today! 

3 Secrets for Making Affordable Invisalign

Affordable Invisalign Near MeYou have always wanted straight teeth, and you know that’s easier than ever with Invisalign. There’s just one problem. You aren’t sure if you can afford it. That’s caused you to ask people, “Where can I find affordable Invisalign near me?” Some of your friends have likely pointed you toward Firouz Orthodontics. The office has various options for people with all types of budgets.

Third-Party Financing Options

Consider third-party financing options when budgeting for Invisaline. These options allow you to finance the orthodontic treatment and then make monthly payments until it is paid off. Firouz Orthodontics works with two third-party financing companies, and you can apply for the credit before you begin treatment. That way, you will know exactly how much you will owe each month. If you’re looking for affordable Invisalign, look no further.

Credit Card Payments

If you aren’t interested in third-party payment options you can pay for treatment with your credit card. Firouz Orthodontics offers credit card payments, so you can put the entire treatment on your card and then make monthly payments. This is another great solution when searching for “affordable Invisalign near me.”

Insurance – Another Option for Affordable Invisalign

If you have insurance, you can use it to get affordable Invisalign. Firouz Orthodontics bills your insurance company directly, so you don’t have to mess with it. That means you don’t have to pay upfront and wait for reimbursement. Instead, the team will talk to your insurance company to find out how much is covered. The Search for Affordable Invisalign Is Over

Dr. Firouz and the team at Firouz Orthodontics are experts in Invisalign. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces, and clear braces in West LA, LA, 90025, Brentwood, LA, 90049, and the surrounding areas. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Firouz, please contact Firouz Orthodontics at (310) 447-5790  or visit

When it comes to achieving the smile of your dreams, you have many options that you could go with. 

Braces are the classic option, but more and more people are choosing Invisalign for a number of reasons. 

This is especially true in Los Angeles, where many of our patients’ livelihoods depend on a great smile—just check out the influencers that use our Invisalign treatment

With Invisalign, you can fix problems such as crowded teeth without the unsightliness of braces—Invisalign is “invisible” in the sense that they are clear aligners that are molded to align your teeth into your ideal arrangement. 

Another key benefit is that you can place  and remove , Invisalign aligners whenever you please. This means that you can still enjoy the foods you like that braces would normally prevent you from eating.  Invisalign also happens to be the most hygenic option as well.

So, with all the benefits that Invisalign has over traditional braces, you may be wondering whether these clear aligners are as effective as braces. The short answer is, yes! See below for why. 


The Effectiveness of Invisalign

Invisalign does work, but the benefits require you to be patient and consistent in wearing the aligners.. 

Once braces are on, you are more or less stuck with them until they are taken off. 

With Invisalign, you need to be consistent in wearing the aligners, and to not take them off just because you feel like it. This creates a greater risk of slowed progress. 

For those patients who are committed to following our treatment plan,  they can expect excellent corrections in: 


  • Overcrowding
  • Large gaps between teeth
  • Crossbite
  • Deep Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Openbite

But that’s not all—read on to see what else we can do for you. 

Our Results

We can accomplish great things with Invisalign, which has more uses than just straightening your teeth—it can help prevent larger problems and keep you from more expensive treatments, too. 

For instance, one of our patients was told that she would need jaw surgery for her skeletal crossbite. 

After examining her, we concluded that she could avoid the jaw surgery with the extraction of one lower incisor and 18 months of Invisalign treatment. Not only did she not need jaw surgery at the end of treatment, but she ended up with a perfectly-straight smile. 

We can also design Invisalign treatment plans related to annoyances such as teeth gaps, as we have done for patients before. As it turns out, there are indeed Invisalign treatments that are specifically designed for fixing teeth gaps. 

Why Invisalign Is Worth It

Invisalign is a safe, effective, and image-conscious way of correcting, straightening, or just improving your teeth. 

Many orthodontists provide Invisalign, but few are as skilled as Dr. Firouz, whose years of experience has brought better smiles to the faces of countless patients. 

Treatment from the Top 1% of Orthodontists

Dr. Firouz, who is a Diamond Plus Provider for Invisalign treatment, he is voted by his patients to be the best orthodontist in West Los Angeles. No matter what your smile goals are, we are sure to meet them! 

For many of our patients, a great smile is one without any crowding or spacing. However, a great smile includes a functional bite as well.. 

Few of us are blessed with such a smile through genetics alone, which is why so many people seek orthodontic treatment. 

Dr. Maurice Firouz is in the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the field of orthodontics, making him the authority on Invisalign treatment in West LA. 

Invisalign vs.. Smile Direct

If you have been researching teeth-straightening treatments on the web, then you have surely come across these names. 

Invisalign is the best and most well-known of all clear aligner treatments, but the others have been gaining in popularity due to factors such as cost and convenience. 

SmileDirectClub has gained customers who are attracted to the notion of an at-home teeth-straightening routine at a low cost, but has been proven to be ineffective for many customers. The company has tried to keep customer dissatisfaction under wraps, but the truth is that SmileDirectClub has been the subject of numerous lawsuits because of their products’ ineffectiveness and safety issues. 

Byte is another such company that has garnered attention for advertising itself as a low-cost at-home alternative to Invisalign, but the same issues persist when it comes to safety and overall effectiveness of treatment. 

The American Dental Association strongly discourages using Direct-to-Consumer teeth-straightening products for the above-mentioned risks to safety and problems with effectiveness. 

The Choice Is Clear

Invisalign has been around since the late 1990s, and over the ensuing decades has been proven to improve smiles and bites.  It is a tried and true method for teeth-straightening. 

There is a reason that orthodontists everywhere recommend Invisalign, and that is because it is overall safer and more effective with a great track record.  Over 13 million patients have successfully received Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign is an effective alternative to braces. Invisalign owes its popularity due to the “invisible” aspect of wearing them. Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are not unsightly and are also removable. Invisalign is cosmetic, effective, comfortable, efficient, and there are no diet restrictions. Invisalign also seamlessly integrates with the iTero digital scanner for state of the art virtual, digital planning.

The message, by now, ought to be clear: When investing in a teeth-straightening method, don’t skimp on your smile. Make the safe and effective choice, under the guidance of a professional.

At Firouz Orthodontics, you will receive Invisalign treatment that is tailored especially for you, bringing you a better smile with greater safety and effectiveness! 

The Best Orthodontics Treatment in West LA

Get in contact with Firouz Orthodontics today if you are interested in achieving your ideal smile.  We serve everyone from children to adults, so you are sure to find the treatment you need, no matter who you are! Patients have obtained treatment from Dr Firouz from many different states and countries.



Everyone knows at least someone who had braces on for way longer than was initially expected. Some people who get braces in middle school are still wearing them at their high school graduation! 

Though everyone is different, and so will have to wear braces for a certain amount of time, it is certainly true that there are many things you can do to cut down on the amount of time you will spend wearing braces. 

Like many things in dental care, the following tips require prudence, consistency, and self-responsibility for a successful implementation. Also, just because you follow this advice does not necessarily mean that you will have your braces off in your senior-year photo. As we said above, everyone is different, and so everyone’s braces timeline will be unique. 

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

This one may seem obvious, but there are some patients who inconsistently brush, or rarely—sometimes never—floss on their own. (Let us remind you that there are indeed braces-friendly flossing products and methods). 

Brushing twice a day and flossing daily can be a great way to shorten your braces timeline, so be sure to remember the basics! 

Watch What You Eat

For many, the biggest letdown of getting braces is having to give up some well-loved foods. Most of these are snack foods such as popcorn and hard candy. 

Also, gum can be damaging to braces, so be willing to give up gum if you wish to get your braces off sooner than later. 

Here is a short list to memorize: Hard, sticky, crunchy. 

If you encounter any foods that can be described as such, then you are best off avoiding them, and going for something softer. 

Ultimately, the goal here is to keep you from damaging your braces, which can set you back a little bit in your progress. 

Do not get too upset if you end up breaking a bracket, however, as it does happen from time to time. So long as you deal with it swiftly by making an appointment with us, you will be just fine. 

Keep Up With Your Appointments and Follow the Specialists’ Advice

Since we already mentioned it, be sure that you are keeping up with your appointments and following our instructions. 

With each appointment, our team will get a precise understanding of just where you are in your progress, and what can be done to get your treatment done as soon as possible. 

You do not want to miss an appointment where we may tighten your braces, which is always uncomfortable but comes with the benefit of ending your treatment on time. 

Do Not Neglect Your “Homework”

Sometimes, we give our patients things like retainers or even headgear, which, though uncomfortable and unfashionable, will ultimately get you the smile you deserve on the schedule we have set out for you. 

The fact of the matter is that a braces timeline involves more than just getting the braces on and then waiting for a perfect smile; there are many steps along the way that are necessary for making that smile a reality. 

Shorten Your Braces Timeline with Firouz Orthodontics

Want to make sure your braces timeline is short and effective? Then schedule an appointment with Firouz Orthodontics today! 


Firouz Orthodontics
(Maurice Firouz, DDS)

Address: 11645 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90025

We encourage you to contact us with any
questions or comments you may have.

Please call our office at (310) 447-5790


Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:30AM – 5:30PM